We are extremely happy today to announce the plans for the rest of our space at 800 Braddock Avenue: Kevin Sousa, renowned Pittsburgh chef and owner of Salt of the Earth, Union Pig & Chicken, and Station Street Hot Dog will be opening up his fourth restaurant, Magarac, upstairs. We’ve been working alongside Kevin for about a month since the project was confirmed, and we’re extremely excited about the direction that his he’s planning to take the restaurant.
All of this was explained in greater detail during a press release this morning, and you can read the full story here on the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette website.
This is all part of a big sign of change for Braddock. We’ve received an enormous amount of help from everyone we’ve been working with from both the county and the borough, so we know that there’s a lot of passionate people that are working to make Braddock a thriving area again. We’re extremely grateful for the support of everyone involved in this project.
That said, we have a long road ahead. While the rest of the project goes forward, we will be working on our recipes, planning our Kickstarter campaign, ordering equipment, continuing to bring in initial investments, and trudging through the legal garbage. With Business Casual on the way and two batches of White Sky to be brewed tomorrow, we’re pumped to keep churning out batches and spreading the word.