We’ve got a lot planned for the coming months. I think it would be best for all parties involved if I just bulletpoint this sucker rather than trying to brute-force it into prose.
- We’ve got two tentative tasting events planned: the first in late August at Bocktown in Robinson, and the second in early September at The Hartwood Restaurant in Glenshaw (where we held our first beer dinner). We’re serving both our White Sky chai white ale and General Braddock IPA at both, so if you’re itching to try our beer, these look like an excellent bet. More info coming soon.
- We’re in the process of working with the folks that are doing the Tapped popup beer garden events around Pittsburgh to host another in Braddock sometime in mid-September. This will be an excellent opportunity for people to have a few beers, relax, and see some of the awesome stuff going on in Braddock these days.
- Keep an eye out for articles about the brewery in both the Post-Gazette and the Tribune-Review. We will obviously post them to the blog when they’re published, but if you still consume your news in physical form, consider yourself forewarned.
- The sixth annual Steel City Big Pour is coming up on September 8th at Construction Junction. This is one of the best beer events this city has to offer, so make plans early!
- Our Kickstarter campaign is planned to start in September. Before we launch, I’ll write an exhaustive explanation of the benefits and weaknesses of the Kickstarter platform and why we’ve chosen to use it. But for now we just wanted to put it on the radar.
- We’ll be back to doing construction work on the brewery shortly.
- A new website is on the way, because a perpetual “under construction” page is total bush-league.
And if you haven’t signed up for our newsletter yet, you can do so here. Cheers.